Entrepreneurship takes guts, discipline, and drive! For many women entrepreneurs worldwide, add to that the demands of a partner, children, overflowing laundry basket, crop-harvesting, grocery store run, lugging water, and oh yea, that small issue of the world being tilted toward men!
Before we succumb to despair, James Brown gives us much-needed inspiration: This is a man’s world, but it wouldn’t be nothin’ (nothin’), without a woman or girl! This is a shout-out to my girls, my sisters who have defied the conventional, expedient, legal, and stable to forge their own path as entrepreneurs. Today I say to you: Happy Women’s Entrepreneurship Day!
Be encouraged, perseverant and excellent. Women’s economic empowerment afforded by entrepreneurship is the difference between a family eating and community prospering, a GDP increasing and social ills being addressed in inventive and high-impact ways like the “Avon lady” of solar panels. The world needs us. I need you.
Show your support for women owned businesses by visiting the United Nations Foundation Women’s Entrepreneurship Day site and signing the pledge. Also, check out some interesting stats on the impact of women’s empowerment here.