11th Apr, 2017

Rolling on the ‘Rail-to-River’

By | April 11th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Rolling on the ‘Rail-to-River’

More mobility options and open space are coming to South L.A.! We recently participated in community input meetings for Metro's planned Rail-to-River project. This will transform defunct train tracks into a 7-mile long path for walking, biking, art spaces and other programming. We are excited to contribute to more options [...]

31st Jan, 2017

#ImpactChamps in the Community: African American Family Day 2016

By | January 31st, 2017|Community outreach, Community service, Inspiration, Leadership, Nonprofit, Social impact, Uncategorized|Comments Off on #ImpactChamps in the Community: African American Family Day 2016

On Saturday, October 29, 2016, Geena Agbangnin, URG Associate and Outreach Champion, participated as a Social Media Coordinator volunteer for African American Family Day! Check out her reflections on the event! African American Family Day (AAFD) 2016 was an awesome day of fun, food and information, held at Hamilton High [...]

13th Aug, 2016

Celebrating Innovation in Planning

By | August 13th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Celebrating Innovation in Planning

This summer, Urban Rising Group was honored to sponsor the annual Planning Awards Gala for the American Planning Association Los Angeles Section held at the Colburn School in Downtown Los Angeles. Every year, event brings together private, public and community-based planners to recognize innovative and transformative planning and initiatives in [...]

25th Jun, 2016

Turning the Page: New Sights for Second Half of 2016

By | June 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Turning the Page: New Sights for Second Half of 2016

Today is June 30th. In the blink of an eye, the first half of 2016 is: Done! Besides marking the first week of summer, the end of June is an important marker to assess the progress made toward your goals. Many of us set goals at the beginning of the [...]

16th Dec, 2015

20 Must-Have Business Tools & Bonus Tool from URG!

By | December 16th, 2015|Business advice, Business insights, Marketing, microenterprise, Networking, strategy, Uncategorized, Women entrepreneurs|Comments Off on 20 Must-Have Business Tools & Bonus Tool from URG!

Leaders need effective tools to get the job done, whether the job is charitable work or making sure your shelves are stocked for Black Friday. In the early stages of a business when capital is in supply, low- and no-cost tools are especially useful to manage your operations or capture all [...]

1st Dec, 2015

Entreprehumor: Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur

By | December 1st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Entreprehumor: Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur

Courtesy of Scotty Grandy (Instagram) Ah, the highs and lows of entrepreneurship! Leading your own enterprise comes with various challenges and opportunities and the need for a significant amount of mental fortitude! This picture sums it up perfectly! I've come across a few ways to steady the rollercoaster ever [...]

30th Nov, 2015

I Shopped Small. How About You?

By | November 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on I Shopped Small. How About You?

I was happy to purchase a professional development course from a woman-owned small business!! Which small businesses did you patronize? There are more opportunities to support small, local businesses every day! Let's renew our commitment to boosting the visibility and profit of small businesses!  

19th Nov, 2015

To My Fellow CEO Sisters: Happy Women’s Entrepreneurship Day!

By | November 19th, 2015|Business events, Business insights, Empowerment, Global business, International, microenterprise, Mission, Uncategorized, Women, Women entrepreneurs|Comments Off on To My Fellow CEO Sisters: Happy Women’s Entrepreneurship Day!

Entrepreneurship takes guts, discipline, and drive! For many women entrepreneurs worldwide, add to that the demands of a partner, children, overflowing laundry basket, crop-harvesting, grocery store run, lugging water, and oh yea, that small issue of the world being tilted toward men! Before we succumb to despair, James Brown gives [...]

17th Nov, 2015

“Street” Cred: Lessons in Longevity from Elmo and Friends

By | November 17th, 2015|Business advice, Business insights, Global business, Marketing, Mission, Sales, strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on “Street” Cred: Lessons in Longevity from Elmo and Friends

I have a two-year old daughter. You know what that means: Overwhelming cuteness balanced with wanting white foods exclusively on most days, potty training and a litany of nos. Along with this, I also have the delight of reliving my childhood experiences with fresh eyes, as my sweet girl learns and explores life for the first time. My daughter has recently taken to Sesame Street and what a Pandora’s Box of emotion her newfound interest has opened for me! For many, myself included, Sesame Street connotes many wonderful memories and feelings — joy, happiness, curiosity, love of learning and of course, ABCs and 123s. […]

2nd Nov, 2015

Why Do A Strategic Plan?

By | November 2nd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why Do A Strategic Plan?

Strategic Planning 101--Part Two: Organizations can gain quite a lot through the process of completing a strategic plan. A strategic plan creates the opportunity to more deliberately and comprehensively chart an organization's future and utilize its resources to accomplish goals. In its excellent article, "Why Should I Do a Strategic [...]